a simple deadlift hack that works


A few weeks ago, I was doing a deadlift workout and went to pull 455 for a set of 5 reps. I was tired that day, did not really feel like lifting, and really just wanted to get through the workout. If you have trained for any amount of time, you know the feeling I am talking about.

I belted up, chalked my hands, grabbed the bar, and went to pull. Nothing. Here was a weight not even close to my deadlift personal best and it seemed glued to the floor.

Video recording of your lifts is a useful tool because it allows you to see exactly what happened. As I watched the video of my attempt, I could see what happened. I quit. When I began to exert force and found myself met with resistance - rather than continue, I just let go of the bar.

Angry with myself, I walked back to it and tried again. Rep one was slow, but it was moving. As I locked it out I thought to myself "maybe just a triple then a double" or "maybe a couple singles" ... but in the second it takes to return the bar to the floor I said to myself, "Grant, just get one more rep."

About 20 minutes later, I had completed 455x5x3, my prescribed workout that day.

Elated, I immediately tweeted my set of five: "Never Trust Rep One,” as I remembered Paul Horn telling me at some point in my lifting career.

I kind of thought I was beyond this type of coaching or lifting advice, but indeed, I was not. The deadlift is supposed to be heavy, and the main difference between the deadlift and the squat is that you can quit with no consequence. You just let go of the bar. 

BUT! You are better than that. STAY IN THE SET. Count to Five Mississippi and get your first rep, ignore the demons that will rear their ugly heads who tell you why you cannot complete the prescribed set.

. Do not use rep one as an indicator for how the set will go. NEVER TRUST REP ONE!

Of course, some days it will just not be there. But do not let lack of effort or mental resolve be the reason. 

Hope you find today's video useful!


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