The No-Nonsense Guide to Starting Strength: Why Simple Works Best

The No-Nonsense Guide to Starting Strength: Why Simple Works Best

Starting Strength Coach Grant Broggi talks about how many people looking for training want a complicated lifting program, but he explains what they really need to get strong.


The Allure of New Fitness Programs: Understanding the Trend

In the fitness world, there's a common trend where individuals are constantly seeking out new programs to follow. The intent behind this is often genuine; many people simply want guidance on how to get stronger and believe that a new program might be the answer.

Common Requests and Misconceptions

Often, when someone approaches with the desire to start a new program, they are looking for direction. They might share their background, such as previous experiences with running or lifting during their school days, and express a desire to regain or enhance their strength. However, they frequently overlook the basics of strength training, which can provide significant benefits even before embarking on more complex programs.

The Simplicity of Linear Progression

For those who haven't engaged in any structured training recently, the suggestion is often to start with a simple linear progression program. This could be something like Starting Strength, StrongLifts, or a similar regimen where the focus is on fundamental barbell exercises with incremental weight increases. The goal isn't to stick with such a program indefinitely but to use it as a stepping stone to establish a baseline of strength.

Resistance to Basic Programs

Despite the effectiveness of straightforward programs, many resist them, hoping instead for a program that seems more intricate or tailored. The reality is that basic programs often yield quick and substantial progress by focusing on core lifts and gradual weight increases.

Incorporating Preferences into Programs

Understanding individual preferences and incorporating them into fitness routines can also be crucial. For instance, if a client expresses interest in specific exercises like dumbbell flies or arm workouts, these can be included post the main workout to satisfy their preferences without detracting from the primary goals of strength and conditioning.

Balancing Activities

It's also common for individuals to engage in other fitness activities, such as Pilates or running. While these can certainly be part of a healthy lifestyle, they may need to be balanced with strength training to prevent overtraining and ensure continuous progress in all areas.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately, while the allure of a "fancy" program can be strong, the basics of strength training should not be overlooked. A simple, well-structured program not only lays a solid foundation for future complex training but also helps individuals realize the potential gains from sticking to the basics before moving on to more specialized routines.

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